Thursday, March 9, 2017

Eva Prats Lecture 15 March 6:30

Prats- Bartlett International Lecture Series 2017

Eva Prats
15 March | 18.30 – 20.00
Christopher Ingold Auditorium
UCL Chemistry Building | WC1H 0AJ | Map
No booking required | first-come, first-seated
35 Doors and 19 Windows for the new Sala Beckett

The lecture will focus on the process of designing and building the Sala Beckett Theatre in Barcelona, the most recent work by the Flores & Prats architecture studio.

The project has been developed in close relationship with the Theatre Director and the existing building.

The way in which the Sala Beckett team and the Flores & Prats studio develop their ideas is by testing them physically. The handicrafts practised by the theatre team are similar to the way the studio develops their ideas: through hand drawings, modelling and conversation. This similarity facilitated the relationship during the design process.